Creating teams and organizational hierarchy

An overview of how you can create teams and reflect your organization’s hierarchy by creating sub-teams

Video tutorial

If you don’t feel like reading, here is a brief video tutorial.

Creating teams described

Thanks to Mooncamp’s flexibility, you have the possibility to name the teams and create your organization’s hierarchy exactly as you like. You can also assign emojis/icons in order to help you easily differentiate between them. There are two places you can create teams and they are described below.

Creating teams under “My Workspace”

The first place you can create teams is directly under your workspace. This is also the recommended spot to create teams because this is where you can add emojis/icons and create your organizational hierarchy. At the bottom of your workspace, there is a button titled “View all”. Once you click on that, a menu will open up displaying all the teams already in your account. To the right of your company’s name, you will find a “+” button, which allows you to add a team. You also have the possibility to edit the existing teams by clicking the “…” next to the team names.

On a team page you have the possibility to add a description text specific to the team, which will then always be visible just below the heading (team name) of the page. You can do so by hovering over the heading (team name) on top of the page and then clicking on Add description.

Creating organizational hierarchy under “My Workspace”

While you have the “View all” menu open, you can create your company’s organizational hierarchy. If you drag and drop Team “A” onto Team “B”, Team “A” becomes a sub-team of Team “B”. As displayed in the screenshot below with Marketing and Online Marketing. Alternatively, you can also use the "..." next to a team to create an associated sub-team.


Creating teams in the settings

In order to create teams in the settings, first navigate to the settings. Then click on the tab named “Properties” and then the property named “Team”. Here, you can edit the existing teams and add new ones by clicking on “Add option”

This is also the place where you can change the name of the property “team” itself, if you for example make use of the term “department” internally.

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